
Empowering Healthcare Heroes: The Amazon Connect Revolution of A Medical Healthcare Facility

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In the fast-paced world of healthcare, a medical healthcare facility was facing an uphill battle. Long hold times, limited patient data visibility, and outdated call routing were creating challenges for both patients and staff. The medical healthcare facility needed a lifeline, and it came in the form of a transformative solution from Simple Technology Solutions (STS) leveraging Amazon Connect. Despite the challenges faced by this medical healthcare facility, game-changing solutions provided by STS were able to provide a profound impact on employee burden and patient care.

The Problem

This medical healthcare facility was encountering operational challenges characterized by prolonged wait times for patients seeking medication support, intricate authentication processes for agents, and the inadequacy of an outdated legacy system to meet the evolving demands of modern healthcare.
This prompted a critical need for a comprehensive solution that could alleviate workforce strain and prioritize efficient patient care.

The Solution: Amazon Connect

A solution soon presented itself: Amazon Connect, which is a cloud-based contact center platform designed to innovate, engage, and simplify.
The healthcare facility saw in Amazon Connect a solution that not only met the strict security standards, but also offered the flexibility to engage with patients through various channels, including chat, email, and SMS messaging. The consumption-based pricing model helped to further establish trust in the platform, allowing this medical healthcare facility to bid farewell to the complexities of managing licenses and hardware.

STS’ Transformative Role

STS emerged as a significant participant by promptly responding to an invitation during the medical healthcare facility's bid day. The proposal was received with enthusiasm, resulting in an immediate opportunity to present the solution to leadership, technical personnel, and stakeholders of the medical healthcare facility. The decision-making process was expeditious and paved the way for a strategic partnership poised to redefine the communication landscape of the medical healthcare facility.

Integrated Solutions Framework

STS's comprehensive solution encompassed an array of enhancements spanning three critical areas: patient experience, queue management, and data collection. The incorporation of natural language prompts, driven by Amazon Lex, fostered an interactive patient experience, delivering real-time information and alternatives. The callback module emerged as a key element in addressing prolonged hold times, offering patients the flexibility of a callback or transitioning to an SMS conversation. The development of a tailored agent interface facilitated the seamless transfer of patient information, resulting in a significant reduction in agent handle times.

STS implemented various AWS services within the GovCloud region, including Lambda functions, DynamoDB, Kinesis, API Gateway, and S3.
The cohesiveness of this integration ensured the efficient processing and storage of patient data, fortifying the communication lifeline of the healthcare facility.

AWS Cloud Graphic depicting Gateways

Upon implementation, the medical healthcare facility swiftly saw tangible results. With over 200 users deployed across four clients, the system efficiently managed an average of 400 inbound calls daily. The callback functionality, which was particularly prominent in the pharmacy clinic, garnered favor among patients as queue times were promptly addressed. Agents celebrated the reduction in handle times, attributing it to the streamlined collection of patient information during the call flow.

Reducing Burden, Empowering Heroes

The theme of reduced burden on employees prevails. With Amazon Connect, the medical healthcare facility bid farewell to on-premise solutions, licenses, servers, and physical phones, resulting in a remarkable 31% average cost savings. The strain of long hold times, manual authentication, and handling patient information melted away, allowing the medical healthcare facility's healthcare heroes to focus on what matters most – patient care.

STS’s partnership with Amazon Connect continues, with plans to migrate more clinic lines in the future and implement features like a direct line connection with assigned resources. The medical healthcare facility is on track to continually optimize efficiency and patient satisfaction.

The collaboration between the medical healthcare facility, STS, and Amazon Connect stands as a testament to the power of innovation. By prioritizing reduced burdens on employees, this journey has not only saved costs but also elevated the patient and staff experience, setting a new tone for future healthcare communication. The heroes at the medical healthcare facility now stand tall, empowered by Amazon Connect, ready to face the challenges of healthcare with renewed vigor.

Want to learn more about AWS's Contact Center-as-a-Service?

Say goodbye to expensive, rigid legacy contact center contracts and experience the benefits of a scalable, flexible, and consumption-based solution. Expand the channels and strategies used to engage customers (voice, SMS, text, email, voicemail, callback) for enhanced agent productivity and customer satisfaction, and reduced first call resolution and abandonment rates. Click below to learn more.